Thursday, August 29, 2013

Picture Arranging with ZERO Measuring

I'm a stickler for perfection. Given the chance, I will over think things into oblivion. So, when it comes to things that should me more organic, I try to leave my neurotics at the door and allow my eye to take over.

I decided to replace the picture above my couch which was disproportionately small (and from an ex-boyfriend) with pictures of my family and friends. I'm a bit of a picture frame hoarder, but it's not hard to come by unique picture frames at thrift stores and, if the color isn't just right, you can always paint them like DulceCandy87. I decided I wanted a more eclectic look with metallics and colors to match my vintage-y living room.

First, choose a color theme and a general feel for the frames. Mine was easy because my living room is all subdued reds and sage-y greens with darker finishes in the wood and leather couch. Everything else is kept neutral. My husband have an inordinate amount of items passed down to us for people this young. I have old books from my dad and grandmother. He has vintage bottles worth more than I care to think about because they could break so easily.

Next, you have to "measure" the space. For this, I took painter's tape and marked off the area I planned to use for the pictures. This also helps you get a good feel for how much visual space the grouping will take.

Now, move that box to the floor.  This will work on carpet or hardwood or tile or linoleum.  It's even better if you can clear a space directly in front of the area you're going to hang the pictures.  Again, it's just a better visual for how you want to arrange them.

I would next choose a focal point.  Is there a particular picture you want to use as the center or, in my case, a non-photograph item?  The sign I'm using is from our wedding and it just happens to match our living room, too!

For my eclectic look, I decided to separate the dark frames first. I tried just arranging them by eye first and I ended up with half of the grouping being dark and half being light.  I needed a bit more science behind it. Place the dark picture frames (or whatever style picture frames you happen to have that stick out) in a spaced out way around the center object and inside the painter's tape rectangle. If you're using frames that are all the same color, you might want to do this with the ones that have a thicker frame or the ones that will be hung sideways/vertical.

Finally, fill in the other areas with the remaining frames.  I started with the metallic ones so that they wouldn't be right up next to each other.  Then, I went with the colored/brighter frames. Lastly, I placed the neutral frames.

Before you hand them on the wall, play around with the arrangement till you're 100% happy.  This might take a bit... and a cup of coffee, Wheel of Fortune, a few rounds of Angry Birds, a long call with your husband who's on his way back from Houston, and multiple battles with your dogs over who actually owns this floor space you're using.

Perfect?  110% happy?  TAKE A PICTURE! Use your cell phone or your camera to snap a good shot of how you have them laid out.  You could always sketch it, but it's so much easier with technology.  This will serve as a reference with you go banging nails in your wall.

Use the picture to hang the... er... pictures.  It's probably best if you put them up in the order you arranged them on the floor - focal point first.

Et voila!

Now, go get another cup of coffee and work on the laundry...

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