Thursday, August 29, 2013

Five Easy Clear Skin Tips

A friend of mine presented me with a problem. "My face keeps breaking out," she said. "I think it's just stress, but it's stressing me out!" I have never really and truly struggled with my skin except the occasional breakout when I've particularly slacked in the skin care department. So, I had to brainstorm. What was I doing right that she wasn't? Was there any way to help her? She washed her face and used over-the-counter medications on the blemishes. So, what to do?!

1. DON'T poke, pinch, prod, or prick!!!
Your fingers, no matter how clean you THINK they are, ARE FILTHY! When you try to clear up your skin my squeezing the blemish, you're really depositing thousands of tiny bacteria that will only make more blemishes or, worse, cause a full on infection. As tempting as it is, HANDS OFF. You are much better off using a treatment rather than trying to murder the little booger yourself. Additionally, watch where you put your hands when you're bored. Are you breaking out on your chin? Chances are good that you rest your hand there when you're thinking or tired or bored.

2. Just say no to desert. Your skin hates to be dry just about as much as you hate to be the last one to hear the office gossip. When you wash your face, the cleanser has a tendency to pull away all the good oils with the gunk. Then, your skin works overtime to keep itself hydrated. The problem is that the oils it produces can cause dirt to be trapped in your pores. Hello, concealer! To ward off the Zit Fairy, use a noncomedogenic moisturizer daily every time you wash your face.

3. Wash thine pillowcase. Even if you wash your face every night (and let's be honest, ladies, you don't) your face still creates oil and, if you have nightmares about missing out on a sale at your fave store, sweat. All of that is soaked up by your pillow protector like Jersey Shore boys soak up summer rays. The extra step of throwing in your pillow case with your weekly laundry will save you days of headache trying to clear up the pimples not washing it can create.

4. Cleanse your communication devices. By the same token, your phone harbors bacteria. Once or twice a week, wipe that baby down with an antibacterial wipe. That means cell phones and desk phones. This is especially important if you share a phone with others. Yes, your mom taught you to share, but I'm pretty sure that stopped at germs.

5. Antibacterial creams are your friends. If you wind up getting a blemish AND you forget rule number one, treat this situation like you would a wound anywhere else on your body... because that's what it is. You've broken down the bacteria's defenses (living comfortably in your skin), but you've also broken down your defenses (your epidermis). Help your face out by sending in the special forces - antibiotics. At night, when it's just you and your secret NKOTB PJs, smear some Neosporin on the open pimple and cover it with a Band-Aid. A couple nights of this kind of TLC should make you right as rain.

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