Sunday, October 20, 2013

Going Gluten Free - Day 0

So, I've struggled with psoriasis for some time now. First, it started as a small patch on my left elbow. It stayed that way for years. Then, I noticed it on my right elbow. Then, my knees. Finally, I found it in one eye brow and on both ears. Still, it was nothing to be alarmed about. I went to a dermatologist who prescribed a steroid ointment and gave me a steroid shot. We agreed that I wasn't severe enough to go with something like stronger.

About 4 months after I had my son, I exploded with spots. I have dime-sized breakouts of psoriasis on my legs and arms and back and butt. I look like a plague patient. I did some research and found out that this kind of flare is normal. I also found plenty of forums and blogs and personal stories that advocate a gluten-free diet to reduce if not eliminate the patches of icky dry skin that feel like you've jumped into a patch of poison ivy in your birthday suit.

With the support of my husband, I plan to go gluten-free as of tomorrow. We swapped out our pasta for gluten-free options and have plenty of fruits and veggies. I'm not sure if I'm up for the challenge, but I do feel like the world is become a friendlier place for people who have to eliminate that sneaky protein.

Have you chosen to go gluten free? Was it deemed medically necessary or was it purely by choice? What is your favorite recipe? Please share in the comments below!

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